TTAP Congratulates Honourary Member, Laila Valere  🎉🎓

On Thursday 15th August, 2024, Laila Valere was awarded an Honorary Doctorate by Nova Southeastern University in Florida. This award highlights the exceptional accomplishments and contributions to society that Laila has made and that the university has recognised.

Laila Valere is special to TTAP, as she is a founding member and the first elected President of our esteemed association. She also holds the title of ‘Honorary Member’ of TTAP.

A bit of History:
As an independent senator, Laila Valere was instrumental in piloting the bill that enabled TTAP to become incorporated by an Act of Parliament. She is an esteemed counselling psychologist who lobbied tirelessly for a national psychological trauma centre, demonstrating yet again, her passion and commitment to the field of psychology and to the people of Trinidad and Tobago. She continues to advocate for this cause. She is also an educator, master hypnotherapist and certified practitioner of neurolinguistic programming. Laila has also produced a book called ‘The Birthing Goddess – Reclaiming the Legacy of Natural, Pain-Free Childbirth’, among other publications. Before dedicating herself to the progress of our then, budding psychological association, Laila served as High Commissioner to both Canada and Barbados.

Laila has been a steadfast supporter of TTAP and a role model, friend and supporter of many of our members. Her many accomplishments, some of which are not mentioned here, are part of what have gained her well-deserved international respect and recognition. We at TTAP are very proud to call her our own.

This is a reminder that, though we are small in numbers, we can all aspire to make magnificent contributions to society as psychologists. May your passion and commitment allow you to realise your many strengths and to serve people in ways you never imagined.

Congratulations to Laila.

News Reporter
The Trinidad and Tobago Association of Psychologists is the Association representing Psychology and its practitioners in Trinidad and Tobago.

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